English CV

Jordi Balcells Antón

Mobile: 620 300 600 (Benidorm, Alicante)
E-mail: balcells.tr[A]gmail.c*m / Skype: balcells.tr / Twitter: jordibal

IT Skills

Translation: Trados 2007, SDLx 2007, SDL Trados Studio 2011, SDL Multiterm 2011, VisualSubSync, Verifika QA 2013 and ApSIC Xbench 2.9 (advanced), memoQ 2013, Swordfish II and Déjà Vú X (basic)
Localisation: Alchemy Catalyst 2009 (intermediate), SDL Passolo Essentials 2011(basic)
DTP: Office 2010, Acrobat 9 (advanced), FrameMaker 7 (intermediate), InDesign (basic)
Management: Microsoft Project 2007, Process Control eTMT (intermediate), XTRF (basic)
Coding: HTML4 and XML 1.1 (advanced, including schemas), Java SE 6 (basic)
Systems: MS Windows (advanced), GNU/Linux - Ubuntu (intermediate), Mac OS X (basic)

Previous Employers

2011-act. Freelance translator for international translation companies and end clients
English Revision of The Queen’s Adept, a novel by Rodolfo Martínez (117,000 words)
Spanish, English and Portuguese translation and post-edition for a Spanish travel guide start-up (80,000 words)
English into Spanish translation for translation companies: marketing and instructions; marine, optics and consumer electronics; IT and telecommunications; hydraulic engineering, automotive, machining; pharmacology, clinical trials, home automation, terms and conditions, etc.
2013 (May)-2014 (February) Ongoing monthly work in social media for an imprint of Random House Mondadori: Twitter, Facebook, keeping the website up to date, interviews and translation
2010- Translation / editing for Launchpad (software) and Globalvoices (news) as a volunteer
2008 Translation / editing of the Maxprograms Swordfish I interface as a volunteer
2005-2009 Pangeanic, Traducción y Documentación, S.L. in Valencia
  Translator and editor
Technical texts (user and service manuals, patents): consumer and professional electronics, automotive industry, engineering, printing, power generation
Scientific texts (reports, surveys, papers, guides): pharmaceutics, social economy, chemistry
Marketing texts (online promotion, press releases, catalogues, brochures)
Software localisation (e-training, e-commerce, device interfaces)
Legal texts (certificates, contracts, agreements, EULAs), combined with technical texts
  Senior Project Manager, Technical Director, System Administrator, and Joint Quality Director
2004 Spanish teacher for the Red Cross in Castellón as a volunteer
2002- Translating and subtitling the TV miniseries “Wyrd Sisters”, “Soul Music”,  
“Johnny and the Bomb” and the documentary “Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die” as a volunteer
2001- Writer for El Puercoespín, bimonthly e-newsletter on author Terry Pratchett


2009-2010 MSc in Global Computing and Localisation by the University of Limerick
2001-2005 BA (4 years) in Translation and Interpreting by the Universitat Jaume I

Language Combinations

Spanish: mother tongue
English: bilingual
Catalan: advanced
Portuguese: basic creation, intermediate comprehension
All kinds of text: English / Catalan / Portuguese → Spanish
For gisting only: Spanish / Catalan / Portuguese → English

Living Abroad

2009-2010 9 months in Limerick, Ireland (studies)
2006 2 ½ months in Shanghai, China and 1 week in Tokyo, Japan (business)
2004 5 months in Guildford, England (studies)


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